
Monday, December 17, 2012

Prayers again please for the school district

On December 6th, I asked my readers for prayers for my daughters high school.  (I have one who is public schooled, the others we homeschool).  One of her classmates had taken her own life.  Please continue to be in prayer for the family of that girl.

Tonight I ask for more prayers.  An 8th grade boy from the middle school was found murdered, it evidently happened last week but was discovered today.  We don't know who yet, or have a lot of details, but it appears it was a murder suicide, resulting in 3 deaths in his home.  The school has sent out text messages to the parents advising that tomorrow there will be counselors back at the schools again.  Please pray for the students, teachers, staff and families.

A couple months ago, they also lost a teacher, due to cancer.  The teacher worked at both the middle school and high school.

We live in a small Missouri town of under 3000.  This is a lot for these kids to comprehend.  3 deaths, unrelated, in a very short time.

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