
Science Fair Ideas

Everyone is always looking for ideas for science fairs.  Check this page often, as I will be adding them as I find them or as readers send them to me.

Science Fair ideas 

1. This idea came from here.  It would be for younger kids, it is an experiment on tooth decay using eggs.  I have seen the same experiment done with nails, real teeth (from animals), but not with eggs.  Basically they soaked eggs (in the shells)  in coke and vinegar and various solutions to see if that caused any decay or discolorations.
Rebecca took a chicken egg, and soaked it in white distilled vinegar for 2 days.

Her theory was that since vinegar was  used to dissolve calcium buildups in household cleaning of bathrooms and kitchens, it would also dissolve the chicken egg shell.

At the end of 2 days, she checked it.  The shell was completely gone, and the egg was rather rubbery.  If you hold it up to the light, you can see the yolk and the inside of the egg.

You can see the yolk in the center of the egg, as a light is behind it.  The shell is gone, and the egg is rubbery. 

Kind of a neat homeschool science experiment that anyone of any age can do.  This would make a good experiment for younger ones for a science fair, such as the one in St Joseph MO every February for homeschoolers.  Soak the egg in other liquids and see if any other liquids can have the same effect.  We always here how bad soda pop is on our teeth, I wonder what would happen to the shell if an egg were soaked in soda pop?


2.  I found this photo several times last week--on facebook and also on pinterest.  It is for a study on erosion.  We will be doing this one soon.

Take 3 milk cartons or gallon vinegar jugs and cut as shown.  Then cut water or clear soda bottles as shown and loop over the spouts and secure well with tape.  Leave caps on tightly.   Add dirt to all 3 jugs, but keep the dirt level to just at spout level

In jug 1, plant a generous amount of  grass seeds or beans or some type of seed and let it sprout.

In jug 2, add some debris such as some sticks, rocks, bark and just few seeds.

In jug 3, just leave it as dirt.

Now, water, with a sprinkler or spray mist each jug.

Notice what enters the jug.  The one with plants allows less dirt as the plants and their roots help prevent erosion.  Compare it to jug 2 and jug 3.

You could also add more jugs of different types of soils--some with clay, or with sand......

This would be great for a science fair!

3.   Determine how much sugar is in specific foods or drinks (or sodium--salt)

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