
Monday, June 12, 2017

Another reason to homeschool

This is my hometown school district .

Warrensburg MO

It is sad to see it in the news this way, in a negative light (for the second time, the first was an incident at a basketball game)

We own property there, so our real estate taxes help the school district.  And, this is what happens.

Basically, in a nutshell, a teacher and a group of students went to the white house in Washington DC.  In front of the students, the teacher flipped off the white house.  Then, apparently he posted it on facebook.

What happened to teaching your students respect?  Respect for our nation?  The president (respect the office, even if you don't respect the person holding it at least)?  And, being a good example to your students?

This would never have happened in the 70's when I was in middle school in Warrensburg.  Never.  And, if it had, the teacher would be gone, and not defended as he is currently by the school superintendent saying no laws were broken and he had the right to freedom of speech.

If its not allowed in school or by a student, then it should not be allowed to happen on a field trip or by facility.

This is a poor example of leadership.  Our country is getting to be too liberal, all about "me", too disrespectful and thinking everyone owes them something.  Its sick.  It needs God put back into schools and the public to heal it.  If we don't start fixing it now, what will it be like in another generation or two?

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