
Friday, May 15, 2009

Storms on the farm

It has been stormy all day. So, our projects for today and tomorrow have been cancelled. Our plans were to scoot the old chicken coop over 8 inches on the concrete pad it sits on, remove the attached chicken pen (which is actually a chain link dog kennel), move the new chicken coop onto the pad next to the old coop and put in the new fence posts. Then we plan on fencing in a large area for the poultry so on days when we don't want them to free range they have lots of room.

But, instead we have had rotation above the house twice this afternoon, lots of rain and some hail. Right now we have a rather green sky, so all outside work is on hold.

We did get some good pictures of the sky. We are all trained storm spotters so we find watching the storms go through rather interesting.

Orginally I thought we could make a bonfire outside this evening to roast hotdogs. I think that one is on hold too!


Farming On Faith said...

I hear you~
I was at Walmart when the hail started!
I have been rained on all day!
We too have chicken coop building this week end~I am praying this passes!

~*~The Family~*~ said...

Great pictures! We had rain all day too and it put a damper on all our garden plans.