
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Poultry Pen Update

We are still getting caught up for the tornado of 2016.  We just had our 2 year tornado anniversary.  Of course repairs to the house, barn and fencing came first.

We have several who come out and cut firewood here on shares--from the 40+ trees that came down (most were in the hedge row).  You can start to tell a difference where they are working.

My poultry pen never got a good gate on it.  This week, we put a gate together, and I got it up yesterday.  I still need to line the gate with hardware cloth to keep raccoons from climbing through it.   And, I still need to mount a headboard across the 2 supporting posts.  Then we can finish securing the poultry netting on that side of the pen and put up the support cables.  That was supposed to be done today, but its too windy.  So, saving it for another day.  Here is the before and after of the pen.
Due to all the snow melt, rain and such (much flooding not far from us) it is still a muddy mess.  But, we are making headway.

Before the new gate

After the new gate

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