This evening, when (if) it cools down some, I have to string another section of electric wire.
That should be a simple job, since the t posts, connectors, ground rod and fencer are already in place. All I needed was a simple set of fence jumpers. Of course, our local farm and feed store most likely carries them, but they are closed today. We went to the nearest Orscheln store only to discover they don't carry them in the store. So, I spent over $25 buying supplies to make them. I could have gotten them online for less than $10 a pair, but we need them tonight. Part of me (the part that worked for the telephone company for years and years) wanted to used old copper phone wire and scotch-locks and jimmy rig it. But, the farm wife side of me said to do it right. So, I did. So, I had to purchase alligator clips, wire, tape, ground rod connectors, and spade terminals.
Here is what I made. They were also out of green wire, so I had to use black, but I used green tape on it in several places to remind me it was really green.
I know I could have just made jumper wires from an existing wire to the new wire, but I want each wire to work independently of each other. When you jumper them together, if one strand goes out, they all do. I want each strand going to the fencer separately. I don't want the entire fence to fail if one strand shorts out.
So if you are confused (or my dad, wanting to make sure I did this right) the red wire clips to the fence and the spade connector goes into the fencer. The black wire (which in this case is green, hence the green tape) runs from the solar fencer to the ground rod. And, my circuit will be complete.
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